The present discourse is flawed as it is seen through an architectural lens. To be truly ethical we need to examine beyond the existing urbanism approach, particularly if we are bring the site [public spaces] up into the building which is one, architectural, way. What is the other way of doing it?
To further the notion of the present approach we are seeing the built form as an architectural object and the site [place] secondarily. This is an architectural reading of site. So we need to look at another way of reading the site and not to let the architecture dominate. To be truly generous and ethical we need to examine place which is not through the architectural lens. To seek alternate approaches of seeing place even if we do not physically adhere to it.
New urbanism is flaw for this very reason, it attempts to be a social reading but fails as it is seen through the architectural lens. A reinvestigation of traditional/nostalgic, ways of living that cannot be replicated in contemporary society with in a digital culture. Reflecting modernist tendency, a prescriptive model, which is imposed and does not allow for speculation and growth.
Consult Jen Smit as this is her Phd research concentration; urban design from a non architectural, cultural and site perspective.
Architecture is secondary, architecture is an event, a temporal activity. The event transcends the walls, the physical. Event presumes no containment, specific activity or temporal constraint.
Thus there is an opportunity to brake down the physicality of the architectural object, for instance: permeability of the physical wall floors ceiling/roof in terms of transparency and digital/technological capabilities. To further this notion the membrane is more important than wall or wallness, which has a more organic or human connotations than the archetypal wall. The membrane can then be operated over ground/planar levels.
Thesis Direction – [challenging the existing theories]
· We can now afford to be more exploratory in the thesis,
· Formulate personal philosophical/architectural speculation of Deleuze and Guattari’s distinctions [smooth and striated space] and Kim Dovey’s [becoming places]. Which are only theoretical tool to articulate the use and meaning of urban space.
· Research alternative ways of seeing space.
Production of Space - Henri Lefebvre,
Landscape Urbanism Reader – Charles Waldheim
· With the foundation of this framework we can now suggest and speculate notions of ‘becoming spaces, opportunity and potentiality of event spaces’ through alternative propositions via models [virtual and actual], diagrams, and scenarios of ‘what if’. In other words the ‘doing’ – Dissertation two, and Honours, articulation of the doing, ‘thinking’ and writing heaps....
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